The last 15 months, since the outbreak of Covid 19, have been difficult for many, but for some, it has been a mixed experience. For countless people, these measures have produced many pluses, a chance to slow down and enjoy life, to spend more time with loved ones, to connect with nature, or even an opportunity to catch up on neglected tasks.

For many people however, in addition to worries about catching the virus and the safety of loved ones, there were increased uncertainties around job and financial stability, these anxieties often taking an enormous toll on mental health. Lockdown conditions were often not conducive to a stress-free environment and may have included working from home in noisy, overcrowded, cramped conditions, with constant video conference meetings.
Many couples and individuals struggled with juggling home-schooling with work commitments and shielding vulnerable relatives, increasing strain on some already fragile personal relationships.
For many, the past months have meant a pause in vital health checks, the repercussions of which are still very real. Taking time to look at your wellbeing will pay dividends, if you are struggling it will greatly help to admit this is happening.
As lockdown restrictions ease, many of us have been thrown back full pelt into normal life pressures, but this time with new challenges and heightened levels of stress.
Helping yourself
To improve your mental and physical health, make sure you supply your body with good quality fuels or nutrients, including healthy vegetables, fruit, fibre and good protein. Including essential fatty acids in the form of oily fish, oils, seeds and nuts in your diet will help boost mental and physical wellbeing, lift spirits, boost energy and resilience to life events.
Make sure you take the time to not only exercise but to relax, spending time with loved ones, including some downtime in your daily routines, taking a daily walk. All of these measures will help boost both mental and physical health and enable you to get back to normality quicker and easier. However, if you are still struggling physically or emotionally, consider getting professional help, which may assist a quicker and easier recovery.
How I can help
As an Integrative therapist, I can combine different therapies, as needed, to enable clients to achieve optimal mental and physical wellbeing, often relieving mental/physical fatigue, anxieties, fears and phobias. I am fully trained and able to offer my experience across a variety of therapies, including psychotherapeutic therapy, nutritional and Eating-Disorder training and experience.
I work with clients safely online, countrywide and globally. My psychotherapeutic work often involves a dynamic solution-focused therapy called BWRT® (Brainworking Recursive Therapy®), which is fast and very effective, the number of sessions depending on the severity of their problems. Clients will typically find respite after only a few sessions.
I aim to aid clients to achieve healthier mental and physical wellbeing, often with added advice on good nutrition and lifestyle practices, empowering them to live the life they deserve to live.
Barbara Shead, Helping You, Help Yourself